My Official Recipe's


Story Of My Life

Hello! I'm Mc Arthur Maquiling

or Art according to my friends they said that im a handsome boy, but I appreciated it haha:),
On another hand my life was a nightmare.
When I was 6 years old my father was died to a motor accident,
It was the day that Im so sad and unexplain emotion
and I cant believe that it was happen to our family,

After he passed away I remembered my father how he cared
us and he gave the love that we need He thought us good manners
in order to be a child and he teach us how to pray and praise the Lord. >Im proud to my father!

After all I promised to myself that I will be like him as a model father in our family,
Last few years my college life was started,It was enjoyable
because I meet some new friends, like Jezz,Bani,Danzel,Xai,Feli,Nico,Tim,Jomar
I taked the course IT. One of my purpose in life is to achieve my goals
and I will do my best and study hard for it.!

TiNy the Giant stone!!!

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